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Want to get a job in Cameroon? Gain experience through Internships
Posted February 8th, 2016 -- 5:37 AM

Most recruiters want workers who are experienced. Except for training centers, nobody likes working with novices, especially when they have to be paid.

As a beginner, you have one choice, to forego the need for numeration and gain experience from as many internships as possible. Universities like the Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaounde have been emphasizing on this for years now. We believe that's one of the reasons their graduates are among the top in most organizations nationwide.

If you're serious about your job search in Cameroon, whether in Douala, Yaounde, Buea, Bamenda, Bafoussam, Edea or any other town in the country, you have to start gaining the relevant experience through internships. Irrespective of whether you're from the University of Buea, University of Yaounde I, University of Yaounde II, Catholic University of Bamenda, University of Douala, or any other university or professional school, internships will be the best bet to start your career with.

It is from this insight that at Akwajobs, we have made it our duty to unearth the thousands of internship opportunities in Cameroon and make them available for the public through this website.

Sometimes it is necessary to take steps further than your school and create an internship schedule for yourself if your school doesn't support a rigorous internship programme.

Start taking internships seriously.

Team Akwajobs
