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CRADEC (Centre Régional Africain pour le Développement Endogène et Communautaire)   (Yaoundé, Centre, Cameroun)

Posted : 14 October, 2020
Category : Consultancy   Location : Yaoundé, Centre, Cameroun
Job type : Part Time

Cameroon is one of the developing African countries which attach particular interest to the extractive sector, which is verified during the definition and implementation of economic and development policies. It is for this reason that the country adopted a mining code in 2016, falling under the category of so-called 4th generation mining legislation. This important reform was part of the context marked, among other things, by the expectations of municipalities and communities bordering mining sites wishing to also benefit from the benefits of the exploitation of these natural resources. But the public debate on the issue of profit sharing by the extractive sector was already on the agenda, particularly in view of the need for better knowledge of mining revenues, their redistribution mechanisms, and monitoring of the management of these public funds.

This is the case of the report on the “Monitoring of the domestication of the mining vision” carried out by CRADEC in April 2019 which highlights the evaluation of the level of implementation of the expectations and options of the VAM and shows that the The management and use of revenue mainly involves that of the resource revenue management system, the revenue redistribution system, rules of transparency, responsibility, participation, and accountability.

As a result, profit sharing involves a multitude of goals and interest groups; and for all stakeholders to support and adapt these models, transparency and accountability are essential. The legitimacy of the process is essential. Thus, appropriate AMV benefit sharing models may be a sufficient incentive to induce change in revenue management and help achieve improvements. This is why CRADEC is launching a Notice of Call for Expressions of Interest (AAMI) for the selection of a consultant for the study on: the development of models on benefit sharing, transparency and responsibility for VMA in Cameroon.


The general objective of the study is to develop models on benefit sharing, transparency and accountability in AMV in Cameroon. It thus has two specific objectives:

(1) Analyze the beginnings or existing achievements on profit redistribution models at the national level in order to identify the strategic challenges of benefit sharing on the basis of transparency and accountability in relation to AMV and its level of domestication national.

(2) Propose scenarios of profit sharing models in view of the completeness of the national legal framework and the commitments made in the context of transparency in the extractive sector in Cameroon.

The main result is a study report on "Development of models on benefit sharing, transparency and accountability in AMV" in Cameroon which will include a synthetic analysis of the process, research and survey results. , as well as application scenario proposals to ensure the fair and equitable redistribution at the national and local level of the benefits generated by the mining sector.


The methodological approach used will be based on a consultative, transparent and participatory process with all actors and stakeholders; as well as on a rigorous analysis of the documentation and the literature on the existing models of benefit sharing in terms of AMV in Cameroon and internationally, without forgetting the models of transparency and accountability that result from them. Triangulation through observations and cross-checking of information sources will be done to increase the reliability of the data collected, the analysis of which will be based on a bimodal typology (horizontal and vertical) and a sectoral analysis of the mining sector on the basis of strength criteria. , weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT analysis). An evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and equity (3E) of the identified models and initiatives will also be made by the method of expert judgment in order to guide the strategic options in the context of the VMA or beyond.


As part of this mission, the 45 days of consultancy must provide:

* A proposed structure of the report which indicates the headings of the chapters, the content and the length of each section;

* A provisional study report presenting, in summary form, the main potential scenarios and operational financial, legal and institutional arrangements, as well as the main information collected and results of technical analyzes;

*A final study report that takes into account the comments of the technical committee.


The consultant will be responsible for:

* Do a documentary research to gather the information necessary for the study, including information on similar experiences of sharing the benefits from dams, in Africa or elsewhere in the world;

* Capitalize on useful information based on similar experiences in Cameroon;

* Analyze the vectors of success in their implementation, and take them into account in analyzes and proposals;

* Analyze in depth the potential financial, institutional and legal arrangements for the implementation of such a process;

* Organize meetings for discussion and gathering of additional information with the stakeholders concerned;

* Formulate precise and realistic recommendations, in the form of a roadmap and on the basis of concrete elements of the study, to promote the validation process at national and local level of the implementation of models for sharing revenues, transparency and accountability in African Mining Vision (AMV);

* Submit the provisional study report to CRADEC within the allotted time for comments and validation of compliance with the ToRs. This will then be examined by the technical committee for comments. The consultant will integrate the committee's comments to submit the final report to CRADEC for validation and sharing. The study report will include a synthetic analysis of the approach, research and survey results, as well as proposed scenarios.


TJNA and CRADEC will ensure that the consultant has the following qualifications and experience:

* Experience in conducting national level case studies on mining taxation, revenue management and related economic issues;

* Justifier d’une connaissance suffisante et solide en gestion administrative des budgets de l’Etat, des finances locales et de la décentralisation

* Expertise dans le domaine de la fiscalité des industries extractives ;

* Une compréhension de l’économie politique de l’extraction des ressources minérales et des défis auxquels le secteur est confronté ;

* Une compréhension des divers cadres stratégiques et politiques nationaux, des lois, des institutions et des autres processus économiques ;

* Connaissance des modèles de développement par l’exploitation des ressources ;

* Connaissance de l’éventail d’instruments fiscaux couramment utilisés dans la conception du régime fiscal (instruments fiscaux en matière minière composés d’instruments fiscaux directs et indirects) ainsi que des défis liés à la conception d’un régime fiscal garantissant aux pays une part équitable les revenus de leurs actifs miniers à long terme;

* Connaissance de la directive / du processus de mise en œuvre de la Vision Minière Africaine (VMA), des méthodologies d'analyse des lacunes et des questions économiques liées à l'exploitation minière ;

* Connaissance des principes, des buts, des objectifs et du plan d’action de la VMA (en particulier la VMA, les domaines d’action du Plan d’action sur le régime fiscal et la gestion des recettes) ont été pleinement approuvés par les groupes d’experts et les processus décisionnels de l’UA, les mérites techniques et politiques, y compris la Conférence des chefs d’État et de gouvernement ;

* Une compréhension de la politique nationale minière conforme à la VMA ;

* Une connaissance de ce à quoi se rapporte la domestication de la VMA ;

* Bonne connaissance et aperçu des régimes fiscaux mondiaux et nationaux relatifs aux industries extractives, de la responsabilité, de la transparence et du débat mondial sur le financement du développement, Objectifs de développement durable et flux financiers illicites ;

* Connaissance de l’Initiative pour la transparence dans les industries extractives (ITIE) ;

* Connaissance des sources d'information et des résultats de la recherche dans la CEMAC, CEEAC en lien avec la VMA ;

* Capacité à effectuer un examen approfondi et multisectoriel des cadres juridiques, institutionnels, politiques et réglementaires existants en ce qui concerne la conformité et l’alignement sur la VMA ;

* La capacité à développer une fiche de score d’analyse des écarts ;

* Capacité à effectuer une analyse de l’écart VMA et à identifier les politiques conformes ou non aux normes de la VMA ;

* Avoir une expérience avérée en élaboration de documents d’étude de faisabilité de projets ;

* Compétences dans les deux langues de travail anglais et français.


Les potentiels consultants candidats à la réalisation de l’étude devront soumettre un dossier composé d’un CV, une proposition technique et une proposition financière, avant le 23 octobre 2020 à 16 :00, délai de rigueur. 

Le dossier doit être acheminé en copie électronique à l’adresse ci-après : bnina@cradec.org avec copie à eaudrey@cradec.org .

Pour toute information complémentaire, contacter le Téléphone : 222 23 21 64